Why should I consult a physiotherapist?
Physiotherapy can be helpful for people of all ages with a wide range of health conditions. Here at The PhysioCentre, we treat all conditions affecting the bones, joints and soft tissue. If you are unsure whether we can help then give us a call and we will be too happy to chat things through with you.
What should I wear?
Wear something comfortable or loose. It would be advisable to bring some shorts if you have a lower back or lower limb problem (hip, knee, ankle). If you have a problem with your back, neck or shoulder we suggest a vest top or bra/sports bra for the women.
Will I have to expose my skin?
Yes, you will for some of the assessment. During your initial assessment, we will need to see the body part that is causing the problem so we can assess the joint/area properly. Any subsequent physiotherapy sessions following this may also require you to expose the area for treatment purposes only. We provide shorts and t-shirts should you forget to bring any. We also have towels to ensure patient modesty during assessment/treatment.
Do I need to bring anything with me for treatment?
Please bring a valid emirates ID/passport if not a UAE resident/national. Your insurance card or proof of insurance. If you have any x-rays or scans please bring these along with you. You may need to bring with you shorts, vests and trainers depending on your condition.
What does treatment involve?
Physiotherapy can incorporate all different types of treatment depending on your diagnosis. Some of the common treatment techniques we use include: manipulation/mobilisations of joints, soft tissue work, patient education, home exercise programmes and biomechanical analysis, exercise therapy, stretching and strengthening exercise, acupuncture and dry needling. Following your initial assessment, the physiotherapist will be able to give you a better idea of what treatment options will be used for your condition/injury.
Do I need a Doctor’s referral for physiotherapy?
Yes and No. If you are a self-paying client then no you do not need a referral from a doctor. If you are claiming on insurance then it is best to see a doctor/ consultant prior to physiotherapy to ensure the cost of treatment will be covered.
How many treatments will I need?
This will depend on your type of injury, your medical and physical condition, what you need to do to return to your goals. Your Physiotherapist will be able to give you an idea of the number of visits and a likely time frame following the assessment.
How long is a treatment session?
Your initial appointment will be one hour to enable for a thorough subjective and objective assessment. Any follow-up appointments after this will be 45 minutes.
What sort of conditions do you treat?
We treat all conditions relating to soft tissue, bones and joints. If you are unsure about whether we can treat your problem, please call us, we are here to help you. Common conditions we see are lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder impingement, ankle sprains, overuse/work-related injuries.